Measure SEO in an app-first world

Unlock better visibility into your marketing efforts with app attribution for SEO

Attract users with intent to your app

Measurement of mobile SEO traffic has historically had many blind spots, specifically around native apps, leading to an incomplete picture of marketing activities. Branch SEO App Attribution solves that problem.

Icon of a blue shield

Build trust

When users find your site through SEO, it often leads to better brand engagement, more app traffic, and higher conversions due to higher trust.

Blue icon of a funnel

Generate visits and revenue

Mobile apps drive a better experience, higher conversion rates, and greater revenue for brands. Guiding users toward your app with mobile SEO improves retention and increases lifetime value (LTV).

Blue icon of a telescope

Eliminate blind spots

Pinpoint how organic web search can be responsible for more than 16% of app opens with Branch SEO App Attribution.

Unleash your app’s true potential with SEO

Make better investment decisions, increase app engagement, and drive app adoption

Extend visibility

Look beyond web traffic to attribute app events like opens, installs, purchases back to SEO. Preserve existing web attribution while adding incremental visibility to app events, all without negatively impacting SEO page rankings.

Experiences that convert

Improve app acquisition and conversion rates from organic web searches by serving targeted smart banners to visitors and deep linking new and existing users to their desired app content. Easily attribute installs and other down-funnel app engagements back to SEO.

Stop the guesswork

View organic search attribution in the Branch dashboard to compare performance by slicing your data at a search engine or domain level. Plus, solve a missing piece of the bigger attribution picture by filling in the SEO gap with new cross-channel insights.

Elevate your SEO strategy

With actionable data, SEO can be a sustainable, low-cost alternative to paid ads. Discover opportunities and budget with clearer visibility into the value SEO can bring to your overall marketing strategy.

Image with two phones showing the Boohoo shopping mobile website and a chart comparing organic opens over a one-week period in September.

Getting started

Step 1:

Integrate Branch SDK
Our SDK will automatically capture data for app opens coming from web search sources.

Step 2:

Register your website domain
This will inform us which domains to check for your SEO data.

Step 3:

Measure the impact of SEO
Unlock a holistic view of all marketing channels, including SEO.


SEO drives millions of dollars in value for brands. Being able to further prove SEO’s value and ROI in the context of mobile app engagement is critical. Unlocking the mobile app ecosystem for SEO is an important challenge, and we’re excited that Branch can help solve this by accurately measuring and attributing organic search to in-app activity.

Black and white headshot of Jason White, Head of SEO, PMG

Jason White
Head of SEO, PMG

There’s a perception of loss of SEO value when you route someone to the mobile app. By enabling measurement at the app install and session level as well as down-funnel events like in-app purchases, Branch solutions give us a new set of tools to optimize search efforts over time.

Black and white headshot of Jay Buerck, Director of Analytics, Graphite

Jay Buerck
Director of Analytics, Graphite

Ready to supercharge your organic search channel?

How to Use Mobile SEO to Convert Users

SEO has drastically changed in the past decade from technical algorithm hacks to quality, intent-driven content and engagement. To really get the most from SEO, you must focus on creating content and designing pages that match user intent. If you can convert those users into app users, your return on investment is even higher because app users tend to be more loyal and buy more often.