What is Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)?
A feature that enhances user privacy by limiting the ability of app designers and marketers in order to track a user’s online activities. ITP by Apple works by blocking or limiting third-party cookies, which makes tracking technology less effective and makes it harder for app designers and marketers to personalize content and measure the success of their campaigns.
Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) by Apple is designed to detect and flag when a domain has the potential to track visitors across sites (it does not attempt to validate if the domain actually does track across sites). Once flagged, Safari limits that domain’s access to cookies and other possible tracking methods.
Over time, Apple has rolled out stricter iterations to ITP, positioning itself as a champion of user privacy and interests. Apple’s removal of user tracking by blocking third-party cookies and imposing limits to client-side cookies has affected the entire adtech world, making it difficult for marketers to retarget and correctly attribute users across the web.